Worst 25 TV Show Easter Eggs
Same Line Each Show
- 2.0/10 with 624 votes
Posted Tuesday, October 19 in Home Improvement
In every episode of Home Improvement, someone always says the line "I don't think so, Tim" to Tim Allen.
The Purdy Boys
- 2.3/10 with 189 votes
Posted Monday, February 28 in Hey Arnold
In Hey Arnold there is a book series Known as The Purdy Boys. The creator of the show's last name is Purdy!
- 2.6/10 with 199 votes
Posted Tuesday, July 25 in Brady Bunch, The
In some of the episodes, the kids say they are going somewhere, they mention on more then one occasion, "I am going to Sherwood Street. " Sherwood is the name of one of the producers Sherwood Shwartz
Candid Apearance
- 2.6/10 with 162 votes
Posted Monday, March 31 in Boy Meets World
In the episode FAMILY TREES , the shows writer, Jeff Menell makes a candid apearance as 'Santa'
- 2.6/10 with 115 votes
Posted Friday, December 3 in Dilbert
After watching only a few shows of Dilbert, I've noticed that there is a big prominence of the numbers "2000" and "2001". One episode was completely dedicated to the Y2K bug, and in another episode, "Dilbert 2000" was on a computer screen, and a road... more
Lost Season 1
- 2.6/10 with 56 votes
Posted Monday, September 19 in Lost
Pop in Lost DVD 6. You should see the beechcraft caught in the trees in the main menu. Let this screen fade in and out about five times. The beechcraft comes crashing down into the jungle.
Nick Bakay's Annoying Voice
- 2.7/10 with 360 votes
Posted Friday, March 3 in Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
In the Sabrina episode when the principle of the school is jealous of his brother because he's better looking and better personality etc etc. In the beginning Salem(the talking cat) is asking for the phone and says something like "I need to call the ESPN... more
- 2.8/10 with 282 votes
Posted Friday, April 7 in Simpsons, The
In the episode where the itchy and scrathcy episode is that the simpsons watch is skinless in seattle, Itchy drops reads do not drop pennies off tower. He walks over the the edge pulls out a penny and drops it. The date on the penny is 1989 in reference... more
You Stole My Move!
- 2.9/10 with 258 votes
Posted Saturday, May 20 in Seinfeld
The episode where George tries to steal Jerry's move (in bed) by writing it on his hand, and another character (was it Putty???) blatantly stole Jerry's move, was not really about a "move" at all!
Michael & Ron on Movie Posters
- 3.0/10 with 42 votes
These are examples (maybe I'm stating the obvious... more Posted Sunday, September 9 in Married...With Children
In the episode where Kelly goes to Hollywood with Al & Bud, she'll read some posters from movies. Well, there are 3 movie posters which contain Ron & Micheal. They're called "Black Cop - White Girl," "Homeless Detective," & "Amos n' Andrew." Interesting?
Homer's Name
- 3.3/10 with 316 votes
Posted Saturday, November 27 in Simpsons, The
As has been mentioned many times, "The Simpsons" is full of movie references, but perhaps one of the most blatant is the name Homer Simpson...
Special Cameos
- 3.4/10 with 175 votes
If you've seen the movie (based on the novel) "Day of the Locust," then you know that Donald Sutherland played... more Posted Monday, February 21 in Simpsons, The
Watch the Simpsons episode in which Homer becomes a missionary that goes to Micronesia. In the second PBS fund thing, look at the people who are taking in the calls in the last row. They are all FOX TV shows characters!!! On the left is Bender from... more
I Know
- 3.4/10 with 317 votes
Posted Wednesday, October 20 in Dawson's Creek
Okay, if you've seen the pilot episode you'll know what I'm on about.
Holo Emitter
- 3.5/10 with 703 votes
During the scene in the video store you can clearly see a poster of I Know What You Did Last Summer, in the classroom scene with Pacey and Tamara you can see one hanging on the door... more Posted Friday, November 26 in Star Trek: Voyager
In the episode where the Dr. gets his thingamajig
Superman Reference
- 3.5/10 with 91 votes
thingy (a 29th century gadget) that he puts on his arm, which allows him to exist outside the sick bay (the episode where the Time Ship from 29th century crashes on Earth and the Bill Gates like character... more Posted Saturday, November 27 in Batman: The Animated Series
In the episode where baby doll and crock are on a crime spree crock puts some papers down saying"Even the out-of-towners are writing about us! The newspaper has the words "The Daily Planet" written on it. This is a reference to the newspaper Clark Kent... more
Garry in the Final Episode
- 3.5/10 with 46 votes
Posted Wednesday, August 18 in Larry Sanders Show
In the final episode of Larry Sanders Show, named 'Flip,' Larry interviews Sean Penn.
- 3.5/10 with 88 votes
In the interview, he asks him about his new movie, and the people he is working with, and he mentions this 'terrible' actor named Garry Shandling who is really insecure... more Posted Friday, March 10 in Mad About You
I can't remember what episode it was in but Jamie's sister asks them if they want to play Twister with her and this was right on the heels of Helen Hunts succesful role in the hit "Twister".
![]() Posted Wednesday, March 29 in Doug
In the episode about the town changing all the time, Doug's mom says something about Doug's old friends whos names were Arthur and Buster. These are the names of the 2 main characters in the children's show arthur.
- 3.6/10 with 103 votes
Another eggs that is in every episode... more Posted Saturday, January 1 in Roseanne
Tom Arnold, Roseanne's ex-husband played a character in her sitcom. He was refferred to as "Arnie", but in the episode in which he was getting married, the minister called him "Arnold Thomas", which is simply his real name in reverse.
- 3.7/10 with 267 votes
Posted Sunday, September 26 in M*A*S*H
As to my knowledge the guy who played Radar and also did the BP commercials has a deformed hand which they hide from the camera in every shot that is taken of him.
![]() Posted Thursday, November 4 in Friends
On the first episode of season 6, every name is followed by the word Arquette. This is because David and Courtney were married that summer, and she changed her name to "Courtney Cox Arquette"
![]() Posted Sunday, December 5 in Rugrats
In the episode of Rugrats where the cantankerous babies are on a joyful romp through the local Toy Mega-Store, toys lining one of the shelves can be clearly identified as Daleks, from Doctor Who fame.
Sweet, Sweet Revenge....Sort Of
- 3.7/10 with 188 votes
Posted Friday, January 7 in Sopranos, The
A couple of the characters/plots/situations that come up in the HBO series closely mirror, or find their beginnings in, the rich history of Hollywood's Mob movies.
Manson Escapes Episode
- 3.9/10 with 109 votes
In Goodfellas, Michael Imperioli plays Spider, a guy who serves drinks, who... more Posted Wednesday, August 25 in South Park
In the Episode where Charlie Manson escapes prison and takes the kids for a ride. Keep an eye on the little swastica tatooed on Mansons forehead. It keeps changing from scene to scene. First it's a swastica, then it's a happy face, then it's an alien... more
The A-Team Meets Mr.Macky
- 4.0/10 with 100 votes
Posted Wednesday, February 16 in South Park
1. Look for the episode where mr. Macky is accused
of using drugs. 2. Look for the scene where he is in Afrika (or something like that). 3. Mr. Macky will be kidnapped, but it goes too quickly for you to see WHO kidnapped him. 4.... more |