from your home screen on the phone, press this instead of your pin code "right", "*", "left", "left", "*", "left", "*"
see what happens
Top 25 Hardware and Electronics Easter Eggs
Sony Ericsson Hidden Menu
- 8.4/10 with 68 votes
Posted Friday, November 17 in Sony Ericsson Mobile Phone
from your home screen on the phone, press this instead of your pin code "right", "*", "left", "left", "*", "left", "*"
Secret Menu
- 8.4/10 with 43 votes
see what happens Posted Monday, August 21 in ReplayTV personal video recorder
While watching live TV, press 2, 4, 3, then before the channel changes- press ZONES. You will then be taken to the secret menu. Here you can view the CPU meter, System Clock, force service connection, partition the Hard Drive, and clear channel guide... more
![]() Posted Thursday, May 15 in HP 54600B Oscilloscope
#1 Power on the scope
fx-82MS Test Mode
- 7.6/10 with 54 votes
#2 Press the buttom "Print/Utility" once #3 Hold "function bottom" (the 6 buttoms beneath the display) 2 and 3 down at the same time, for half a second Now your ready to play a game of Tetris! Important: If you wait to long... more Posted Thursday, April 15 in Casio fx-82MS
1. Hold 'Shift' and '7'.
2. Press On. 3. Keep pressing 'Shift' to view all the combinations of the calculator screen until '1' appears. 4. Now press all the buttons in order from left to right, top to bottom. Note: The arrow buttons are in a different... more ![]() Posted Wednesday, April 24 in HP 54622D
1. Turn on scope
Secret Engineers Menu
- 7.4/10 with 662 votes
2. Press the SAVE/RECALL button 3. Press the SAVE soft key 4. Press the NEW FILE soft key 5. Save file as ROCK_ON THe game will start!! Posted Friday, November 9 in Sky Digital Set-top Box
1. While on the Sky Digital channel, press [services] on the remote
HP Tetris
- 7.3/10 with 131 votes
2. Then select system setup and press [enter] 3. Now on the remote press [0] [1] and then [enter] 4. You will now be presented with a hidden menu that is used by engineers to set up... more Posted Wednesday, November 17 in HP 54602B 150Mhz Oscilliscope
1. Turn on the o-scope.
2. When running, press "PRINT/UTILITY" 3. Simultaneously hit the 2nd and 3rd soft keys (and hold for a half a second) 4. The game should pop up! ![]() Posted Thursday, July 15 in HP 54645D Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
1. Enter print/utils menu
Have the Apple Say "Apple II"
- 7.2/10 with 62 votes
2. Press 3rd and 4th softkeys together 3. (displays picture of badger and developer credits) 4. Press 2nd and 3rd softkeys together - hidden game 5. Press 4th & 5th softkeys for hardware hacking menu Posted Thursday, July 15 in Apple II GS
1. Remove all disks from the drives
2. Restart the computer 3. When you see the Open-Apple move back and forth, Press Control-OpenApple-Option-N 4. Sit back and enjoy! ![]() Posted Thursday, July 15 in Commodore 128
1. At the BASIC prompt, type "sys 32800,123,45,6" (without quotes)
![]() Posted Thursday, July 15 in Sega Master System
1. On an old Sega Master System without built in games,
2. Turn it on without a cartridge and press up + both buttons 3. At the same time. You get a cool maze game with a snail 4. As the main character. The music is so cool ... it reminds 5. Me... more ![]() Posted Thursday, September 5 in Siemens Mobile Phones
1. Well, everything is quite easy and remarkable...Try it!
Commodore 1581 Disk Drive Credits Command
- 7.2/10 with 48 votes
2. Go to the Phonebook and select New Entry. 3. Type the phone number - 2000 and the name - History (the first letter MUST be a capital one) 4. Press OK and enjoy a "cartoon" about the authors... more Posted Sunday, June 4 in Commodore 128
Because of the RAM shortage in early PETS (8K!) Commodore disk drives were little computers in themselves with DOS in ROM and you would send commands to them and then read the error channel to see how the disk drive had carried out or failed to carry... more
Ode to Joy
- 7.2/10 with 300 votes
Posted Thursday, July 15 in HP Scanjet
1. Turn off scanner
HP 49G Secrets
- 7.1/10 with 249 votes
2. Set SCSI ID to 0 (using dial on back of scanner) 3. Hold down green button 4. Turn scanner on 5. Listen to the music 6. (you can let go of the green button) Posted Wednesday, June 14 in HP 49 G
Easter eggs in the 49G!
S45/ME45 Developer Credits
- 7.1/10 with 91 votes
Yes, there are many Easter eggs. One is carried over from the HP 48G series. Type RULES and you'll get the following word puzzle: MITCH CHRIS T H G.T. O E BERNARD M E A GERALD ... more Posted Thursday, February 21 in Siemens mobile phone
Enter a new entry in the "Phonebook" of the phone using 2 as the phone number (yes, just the number two, nothing else) and select the mobile phone as the location for the entry (not the SIM card).
When you press the 'Save' soft-key, a screen appears... more ![]() Posted Sunday, July 15 in HP LaserJet 1100
1. On the HP LJ1100 the bottom most plate is removable. Remove the three screws and carefully wiggle loose.
Casio Debugging Window
- 7.1/10 with 200 votes
2. Disconnect the three cables attached to the circuit board very carefully not to break them. 3. Between the two largest of the connectors... more Posted Saturday, January 1 in Casio CFX 9850G
1. Turn the calculator off
Signatures of the Designers
- 7.1/10 with 77 votes
2. Press and hold the A b/c button, the F6 button, and the On button. This will bring up the de-bugging window for the calculator Posted Thursday, July 15 in Amiga A1000
1. Open the case and look inside
Music in 5100c Scanjet
- 7.1/10 with 110 votes
Posted Wednesday, August 18 in HP Scanjet
1. Hold the scan button on the scanner
Express Elevator
- 7.1/10 with 3914 votes
2. plug the power in 3. the music starts Posted Wednesday, May 10 in Elevator (new indeed)
The designers of some elevators include a hidden feature that is very handy if you're in a hurry or it's a busy time in the building (like check-out time in a hotel). While some elevators require a key, others can be put into "Express" mode by pressing... more
Song Lyrics and Titles on Motherboards
- 7.1/10 with 148 votes
Posted Friday, December 3 in Amiga (any)
Open up your Amiga. Look around the motherboard for song lyrics and titles (the A1200 has "Rock Lobster", the B52s song :)
Play Tetris in on Your Pronto Universal Remote Control
- 7.0/10 with 85 votes
Posted Monday, April 16 in Phillips Pronto
1.Press and hold the BACKLIGHT,LEFT and the RIGHT keys.
Timex Data Link Wrist Band Message
- 7.0/10 with 129 votes
2.While holding those three keys, press and release in this order. MUTE,CHANNEL+,MUTE,CHANNEL+,VOLUME-. 3.Release the LEFT and RIGHT keys. 4.Release the BACKLIGHT key. There ya go. Tetris!! The... more Posted Friday, September 10 in Timex Data-Link Watch
Have you noticed there are series of 1's and 0's on the band? Well, if you put them all on a string and segment them in 8-bit blocks, you get the message "Listen to the Light!". Neat, eh? And stop calling me a geek!
Creator Picture
- 7.0/10 with 40 votes
Posted Saturday, July 8 in Color Computer 3
If you are one of the priveledged to have had a Tandy Color Computer 3 chucked at you from Radio Shack in the early eighties, check this out:
(1) Hold down the ctrl and alt keys while you power on the computer. OR, with the computer already on: (1)... more |