Worst 25 Book Easter Eggs
A Study in Logic
- 3.6/10 with 365 votes
Posted Wednesday, September 15 in Alice In Wonderland
Lewis Carroll, a.k.a.Charles Dodgeson, was a mathmatician. The riddles in the book are math problems, that can all be solved using logic equations(P>Q).
Charlotte's Web - Meaning Behind the Name Templeton
- 4.0/10 with 364 votes
Posted Monday, November 27 in Charlotte's Web
The name of the rat in Charlotte's Web was "Templeton". The author of the book was E.B. White who was a Fiji (Phi Gamma Delta). He named the rat after one of the founders of the fraternity (John Templeton McCarty). Pretty Cool insight.
Cover Secret
- 4.4/10 with 378 votes
Posted Thursday, December 9 in Goosebumps
The artist of the covers of the popular book series Goosebumps, always draws people wearing red sneakers of the same 5 star brand, whenever there are people on the cover who wear sneakers. Those are his favorite shoes.
- 4.6/10 with 49 votes
Posted Friday, December 6 in Spiderman
Peter David, rhe author of the book based on the Spiderman movie, put in this one lots of hidden references!
Three Littles
- 4.8/10 with 356 votes
They all begin in the chapter where uncle Ben is murdered. In this chapter there are two policemen: their surnames are Lieberg and Ditko. Doesn't... more Posted Monday, August 30 in Alice In Wonderland
Ok, this one is a bit deep, but here goes:
Flaubert Himself Hidden in the Novel
- 4.9/10 with 49 votes
Some of you may have known that Charles Dodgeson (the author) created these stories for the Liddell sisters (three of them) as they rowed the Thames (one of them was named Alice, hence the name). Anyway, if... more Posted Monday, February 19 in Madame Bovary
At the end of Madame Bovary, the latter goes to a pharmacist she knows to borrow money : her furniture is going to taken away, just an episode in her downfall that will eventually lead to her death. She also buys terebenthine essence and sugar acid. Now... more
Setting Free the Bears
- 5.0/10 with 98 votes
Posted Friday, September 3 in World According to Garp, The
In the Wold According to Garp, T.S. Garp writes a book called "Procrastillination", in which a young anarchist gets killed stting free zoo animals during the war in Vienna. This is actually a reference to an earlier book written by the author of Garp,... more
Chapter 21? Where?
- 5.3/10 with 212 votes
Posted Thursday, September 2 in Clockwork Orange, A
Everyone is familiar with Stanley Kubick's A Clockwork Orange, but few know that the movie did not end like the book did. Kubrick used an American version of the script, which left out the last chapter, where "your humble narrator" matures NATURALLY,... more
The Principia Discordia Exists
- 5.3/10 with 55 votes
Posted Monday, August 30 in Illuminatus!
The "book" that Wilson and Shea quote their inanities out of to head their chapters actually exists. You can download it at http://23ae.onestop.net/discord/pdfull.html
Phone Numbers
- 5.3/10 with 159 votes
Posted Wednesday, November 10 in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The
There is a phone number that pops up in the first book. This was the phone number of Douglas Adams when he wrote it. Please don't call this number, since it now belongs to someone else.
- 5.7/10 with 47 votes
The robot also was a real person, someone the author knew. ... more Posted Thursday, September 30 in Insomniac (King, Stephen)
If you read Insomniac, when you get to the end of the book a mother looks at a picture her son just finished drawing and it's a picture of Roland from the Dark Tower series standing in a meadow.
The Dodo
- 5.7/10 with 203 votes
Posted Tuesday, April 11 in Alice In Wonderland
In Alice in Wonderland, the character of the Dodo from the Caucus Race is in reality Lewis Carroll himself. Carroll’s real name was Charles Dodgson
Unanswered Riddle's Answer
- 5.7/10 with 63 votes
and he suffered from a stutter. When he tried to pronounce his surname he said “Do-Do-Dogson”, and... more Posted Thursday, September 2 in Through The Looking Glass
The White Queen asks Alice a riddle about a fish (4 stanzas) near the back of the book that is never answered. The answer is Oyster.
References to Other Books
- 5.8/10 with 48 votes
Posted Tuesday, February 29 in Hearts In Atlantis (Stephen King)
This is the same type of thing posted about Stephen King's IT. I may have been imagining some of these, but I saw many references to previous King books. Some were obvious, like in the first story -- talk of the Beam and the Tower are obvious references... more
![]() Posted Friday, July 8 in Series of Unfortunate Events, A
In the Slippery Slope (tenth book), on page 107, Sunny is communicating with Count Olaf before she starts preparing food. One thing she says to him is "Busheney" which means "You're an evil man with no concern for other people." If you look closely at... more
Naked DNA
- 6.0/10 with 62 votes
Posted Tuesday, July 3 in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The
In the TV series version on the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the second episode, during the first half, Douglas Adams withdraws money, then proceeds to walk into the ocean butt naked.
Brothers Connected
- 6.3/10 with 120 votes
Douglas Adams confirmed this in the extras on the Hitchikers... more Posted Wednesday, September 1 in American Psycho In the gruesome book by Brett Easton-ellis called American Psyco, the hero Patrick Bateman meets up with his Brother and imagines him hanging himself with a tie he buys him for Christmas. His brother is the Sean Bateman from Rules of Attraction who... more Posted Monday, January 3 in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The
The lead singer with the rock band Disaster Area (whose stunt ship Arthur etc steal at the end of the first book) is called Hotblack Desiato. This is the name of a firm of North London estate agents (realtors).
Author's Cameo Appearance
- 6.4/10 with 79 votes
Posted Thursday, April 6 in Atlas Shrugged (Ayn Rand)
While Dagny Taggart is touring the mysterious valley, one of he people she encounters is a "fishwife," a woman tending several fishing poles by a lake. The fishwife is introduced as an author who was unable to get her work published in the outside world... more
Childrens Names
- 6.5/10 with 149 votes
Posted Friday, April 21 in Arthur books
If you read any Arthur children's book by Marc Brown, you will find his childrens names somewhere hidden in the pictures. For example, in Arthur's Baby the children's names are listed in the hospital picture showing the new babies as new babies. (Tolon,... more
Ford What Now?
- 6.5/10 with 327 votes
Posted Friday, October 1 in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The
As everyone knows, the man from a small planet in the vicinity of Betelgeuse (the one with one head) is named Ford Prefect.
How Is a Raven Like a Writing Desk?
- 6.5/10 with 619 votes
A slightly less known fact is that this is a joke, because the Ford Prefect was a very popular car when HHGTTG was written,... more Posted Monday, August 30 in Alice In Wonderland
During the Tea Party, the Alice is asked how a Raven is like a Writing desk. Carrol never answers his own riddle. The answer is "Poe wrote on both".
Arthur Dent - Fictional and Real
- 6.6/10 with 437 votes
Posted Thursday, September 2 in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The
The main character in Douglas Adams' book _The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy_ is named Arthur Dent. There was a real Arthur Dent, a religious writer who about 1600 published a book called _The Plain Man's Pathway to Heaven_. If you're a poor person... more
JK's Reference to Daniel Radcliffe's Favorite Charity
- 6.6/10 with 43 votes
Posted Thursday, August 18 in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Throughout the book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, you'll notice that there is a character named Demelza Robins. Demelza is obviously a different name, but Daniel Radcliffe, the actor who plays Harry Potter in the films, has one specific charity... more
Invisible Stalker Credits
- 6.8/10 with 52 votes
Posted Friday, May 31 in Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Monsterous Manual
Look up the Invisible Stalker in the book (pg. 208), you will see that the place reserved for the monsters image is completely blank. Now go all the way back to the beginning of the book and turn to the credits (before page numbers, but on page two if... more