Hidden Message at Start -
9.2/10 with 337 votes
Put the feature into your DVD player. There will be an FBI warning followed by an Attention warning. The next screen contains the coolest egg ever. Can't believe no one took the time to read it. Since there is no pause option at this point it took...
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Se7en -
7.6/10 with 12 votes
In the scene where Brad Pitt's character leaves the fight club, there is a movie playing in the background. The movie playing there is SE7EN, a movie out from the same directer as Fight Club, and they both are starring Brad Pitt.
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Fight Club Freak on a Rampage -
7.2/10 with 224 votes
Okey dokey here goes
Brad Pitt's Character appears sveral times before he's actually introduced.
1. Edward Norton's character is making copies of some sort when a dingle frame flash of Tyler Durden makes an appearence
2. Edward Norton is talking...
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Andrew Kevin Walker Reference in Credits -
7.1/10 with 103 votes
Look at the credits to the film and you'll see that Fincher (as a joke) named the detectives that try to cut off Edward Norton's balls Andrew, Kevin, and Walker; after SE7EN screenwriter Andrew Kevin Walker.
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Keep a Sharp Eye -
7.0/10 with 260 votes
At the beginning of the movie, Edward Norton's Narrator character goes to support groups. During pivotal parts you will notice the screen flash. This is not a mistake or a projectionist blunder—it is David Fitcher slipping in images of Brad Pitt interjected...
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D.A.G -
6.8/10 with 4 votes
In the fight scene where Tyler is punching a man with dredlocks in the inner leg, there is a cut to Edward Norton. If you look over Norton's shoulder commedian David Allen Grier can be seen.
References to Past Films -
6.1/10 with 114 votes
Having seen David Fincher's exellent Fight Club, I noted the following subliminal references to the past films of its stars.
Ed Norton has a magszine with Drew Barrymore on the cover, his costar from Everybody Says I Love You. Norton also watches the...
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E-Mail for the Crew -
6.1/10 with 87 votes
When Norton's character
writes the Haiku and says
"I email it to everyone I know".
A few names that are in the box
are people that worked on the film.
Two such names are ...
Patrick Thornhill .... production assistant
Andrea Carter .... clearance...
Subliminal Messages -
4.4/10 with 336 votes
I noticed in the beginning of the movie there are certain frames with hidden pictures. I believe i saw a lady in a red dress and a man standing off to the left. Tyler Banks talks about the hidden pictures later in the movie saying there are things hidden...
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Film Reel -
4.2/10 with 373 votes
During the movie, Ed Norton's character talks about Tyler's jobs. One of Tyler's jobs is a film projectionist. Ed says that Tyler likes to put
small snippets from pornos in kiddie movies.
Ok, now that you have the setup, here goes: The final scene...
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