Worst 25 Movie Easter Eggs
Silent Kevin
- 1.1/10 with 467 votes
Posted Sunday, December 19 in Smith, Kevin
Ok this one's REALLY obvious but nobody has it here... does anyone know who plays Silent Bob in all of Kevin Smith's movies??? Well kiss my gritz if it isn't ol' Kev Himself!!
Between the Doors
- 1.2/10 with 244 votes
Posted Wednesday, November 27 in Monsters, Inc.
I'm surprised that no one has stated this one.On Disc 2 when the menu comes up you see the two doors. If you push left or right a few times some of the tubes will roll down and there will be Outtakes, For the Birds, and Mike's new car.
DVD Credits
- 1.3/10 with 70 votes
Posted Tuesday, April 22 in Signs
load up the dvd and go to the set up menu. once there, go to the 'main menu(or something like that)' option, BUT DONT CLICK IT!
Inside Karls What?!
- 1.4/10 with 64 votes
Once that is done, go right and a clackerboard should be highlighted. Click it. A DVD credits screen appears. its not very... more Posted Wednesday, September 21 in Goofy Movie!, A
When Goofy and Max are running from the bat cave and all the bats are flying out look above them. Clearly carved into the rock where it should say Karls bat cavren it actually says Karls BUTT Cavren. Kind of gross and kina funny.
More Deleted Scenes
- 1.5/10 with 68 votes
Posted Sunday, April 15 in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Load disc 2, go to Hogwarts castle, click next and press down four times, Dumbledores beard should be highlighted. Press Enter to see a 15-minute loop of deleted scenes from the film which include; Dementor in the maze, More Shark Head and Dobby the house... more
DVD Credits and Acknowledgements
- 1.5/10 with 60 votes
Posted Tuesday, September 17 in Blade II
On the special feature disk (Disk Two) of the Blade II DVD set the main Special Feature menu will load. In the bottom left corner there is a red New Line Cinema logo. Highlight it with the left arrow and press enter. It will lead to the first of six pages... more
Lucky Number
- 1.6/10 with 68 votes
Posted Tuesday, May 9 in Snake Eyes
In the movie, Nicholas Cage talks to the girl holding up the number '7' representing round 7 in the boxing match. he says to her "seven's my lucky number". In real life, Nicholas Cage's lucky number is seven, and he was born on the 7th of January, which... more
- 1.6/10 with 212 votes
Posted Wednesday, December 15 in Being John Malkovich
In the film, if you notice that John Malkovich lives in apartment #43. This is not by accident. This number 43 is much a skateboard/BMX related phenomenon. The thing is that it seems to come up all the time just (if you're looking) like if you own... more
Cigar Box
- 1.7/10 with 295 votes
Posted Monday, August 21 in Green Mile, The
On the cigar box it says "Marsh Wheeling". The production designer's name is Terrence Marsh.
DVD Credits
- 1.7/10 with 81 votes
Posted Wednesday, September 4 in Monsters, Inc.
Insert disc 2. Go through the door marked 'Humans Only.' Make sure 'Production Tour' is highlighted. Press left on your remote and the words 'DVD Credits' will appear on the left hand side. Press ENTER to see 2 pages of credits.
Guess Who
- 1.8/10 with 355 votes
Posted Tuesday, August 20 in Signs
The man in signs who plays Ray (he captured an alien in his pantry and had a part in graham's wifes death)is non other than the director M. Night shyamalans (who also directed The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable)
DVD Authors
- 1.9/10 with 61 votes
Posted Tuesday, May 15 in Final Destination
1. Insert the disc.
Director Cameo
- 1.9/10 with 85 votes
2. On the main menu, there is a New Line logo. 3. Select it. 4. It will bring you to a hidden screen for the DVD authors. Posted Thursday, July 27 in Mission: Impossible 2
When Ethan Hunt comes to the island medical facility, and the virus is handed over to the medical company CEO, I believe the director John Woo is the scientist who analyzes the sample of the virus. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
- 2.0/10 with 161 votes
Posted Thursday, October 14 in Tarantino, Quentin
As said about a few other directors in this category, Quentin Tarantino has a habit of appearing in all his movies. For example, in Pulp Fiction, he played Bonnie's wife in The Bonnie Situation.
Batman Is a Pothead
- 2.0/10 with 82 votes
Posted Thursday, June 16 in Batman Begins
During the funeral of Bruce's parents when several cars are parking in front of the Wayne mansion Rachel's mother's car has a licence plate with 420 as the first 3 numbers. In the next scene, in Bruce's room the wallpaper has a pattern that closely ressembles... more
Cameron Diaz's Dress
- 2.1/10 with 67 votes
Posted Thursday, January 25 in There's Something About Mary
At the Dvd menu press right until Cameron Diaz's dress lights up green. Press play and it will take you to a special screen that displays the producers of the Dvd.
The Scientist's Hands
- 2.1/10 with 130 votes
Posted Tuesday, September 26 in Mission: Impossible 2
In the scene where the Scientist is checking the sample for chimera - it isn't the actors hands that are used, but the 1st Assistant Director on 2nd Unit!
2'nd Cameo by Director
- 2.1/10 with 104 votes
Posted Wednesday, April 26 in Sixth Sense, The
There's another cameo by Manoj Night Shyamalan. He's the Indian customer in the shop buying antiques or something when young cole and his mother come in. The director is fatured with another Indian lady, possibly his wife(??).
The Wise, Talking Cat
- 2.2/10 with 46 votes
Posted Tuesday, September 3 in Go!
In the scene where Manny is having a staring contest with the cat in Todd's apartment, there is no verbal dialog. If you have the subtitles on, an actual conversation occurs that is quite funny!
![]() Posted Saturday, December 8 in The Simpsons Movie
When Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie are in the train heading for Seattle, Bart starts rummaging through one of the overhead luggage compartments. Bart jumps out with a bra on his head and says he is the mascot of an evil corporation. He is clearly drawn... more
Blade DVD Designer Acknowledgement
- 2.2/10 with 191 votes
Posted Saturday, January 6 in Blade
1) Put DVD into the player
DVD Production Credits
- 2.3/10 with 67 votes
2) The Menu will say: Play Movie, Languages, and below that is the New Line Cinema logo, highlight the logo and press enter. You should see an acknowledgement screen thanking the dvd designers. This is a pretty boring... more Posted Wednesday, October 16 in Beauty and the Beast
Insert Disc 2, Supplemental Features in player.
Zoinks Sign
- 2.4/10 with 55 votes
Select Cogsworth & Lumiere's pane to get the C&L menu. Go to "Play All" and Press down, or select "Main Menu," and press up. Either action will put the rose on the firewood. Press Enter to display the DVD... more Posted Monday, March 31 in Scooby Doo (2002)
On the second page of the special features hit left on your remote and the sign with zoinks under it will light up. Hit enter and enjoy.
Friend of the Producer
- 2.4/10 with 413 votes
Posted Friday, August 18 in Coyote Ugly
1.)In one of the bar scene where the girls are dancing, there is a photograpgher taking pictures.
Hidden Scene
- 2.4/10 with 41 votes
2.)The photographer is none other then Michael Bay, a good friend of Jerry Bruckheimer(The producer of the movie) Posted Wednesday, March 30 in Anchorman
On the disk menu go to the very top selection and press right. It will bring you hilarious footage of Baxter's funeral.