Half-Life Reference -
4.2/10 with 6 votes
In the Stark Industries level, just after the Yakuza soldiers break in and all the doors lock down, I noticed an interesting subtitle.
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American History X Reference -
3.0/10 with 3 votes
During the mission at the zoo you can perform a special interrogation on the fountain. When you interrogate them you stomp their head against the fountain to scare and kill them. If you decide to execute the victim you should hear Castle say something...
Marvel -
2.8/10 with 8 votes
In the punisher on the level chop shop, you are walking in a dump place full of cars. When you walk up these two guys are talking about who would win, daredevil or Bullseye. Bullseye is the daredevils enemy and daredevil was also made by marvel, who made...
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Daredevil Meets the Punisher -
2.7/10 with 11 votes
In the punisher videogame, there is a part in one of the movie sequences I found quite intresting. The punisher is talking to detectives when all of the sudden his blind attorney named MATT MURDOCK aka DAREDEVIL walks in. A cool little cameo put in by...
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