Punisher, The Easter Egg - Daredevil Meets the Punisher

In the punisher videogame, there is a part in one of the movie sequences I found quite intresting. The punisher is talking to detectives when all of the sudden his blind attorney named MATT MURDOCK aka DAREDEVIL walks in. A cool little cameo put in by marvel

User Rating:
  2.7/10 with 11 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 07-10-2005
Reviewed By: Gamer Sly-Ratchet, DomFeargrieve
Special Requirements: the punisher videogame
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Actually, it's not really an egg. Matt Murdock is the lawyer for a lot of superheroes, including Spiderman.
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Dmr2hn1 writes:
And there are much references of Daredevil in a lot of levels
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MorPH writes:
What do you mean, 'And there are much references of Daredevil in a lot of levels'? So? It doesn't make it any less of an egg, speaking of which it IS an egg. God, some guys will just TRY and argue with people.
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