Age of Empires Easter Eggs

Nuclear Missile Guy - 7.1/10 with 140 votes
1. Press enter for chat mode (it doesen't have to be multiplayer)
2. type: e=mc2 trooper
3. press enter and enjoy the destruction!
4. Please be warned, don't use him at close range or he'll kill himself!
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Robots, Babies, and More - 7.0/10 with 615 votes
1. Hit enter for the chat box.
2. Type "pow big mamma" for a deadly baby on a tricycle.
3. Type "stormbilly" for a futuristic robot with lasers.
4. Type "dark rain" to have improved archers turn into trees to hide.
5. Type "Convert This!" and... more
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RIP - 7.0/10 with 2 votes
Start a single player game in the campaigns section. Play the Ascent of Egypt Learning Campaign untill you reach the Trade scenario. If you want to view it the hard way, send units to the very south corner of the map. To view the egg the easy way,... more

Expansion Cheat Codes (NOT AN EGG) - 6.8/10 with 290 votes
Catapults fire on Peasants

To fire on civilians, highlight a catapult and press [Enter]. Then type: JACK BE NIMBLE. Depending upon its orientation, catapults target different members of the populace.

Direction Target
East peasants
North cattle... more
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Laser Man and Car - 6.8/10 with 173 votes
1. Press Enter for chat box
2. Type "photon man"
3. A laser man appears by your town centre
4. For a car type "bigdaddy"
5. A car complete with guns appears
6. Blast off your enemies heads!
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Make Your Men Into Medusas or Black Riders - 6.2/10 with 180 votes
1. Press Enter for chat mode.
2. Type in medusa to make your men into villagers.
3. Or type in black rider to make your horse archersinto black riders
4. When medusas die they turn into black riders and when they die they turn into catabults
5.... more
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Free Resources and Building Speed - 6.2/10 with 172 votes
1. Activate the chat window
2. now type in: woodstock-for 1,000 wood; coinage-for 1,000 gold; quarry-for 1,000 stone; pepperoni pizza-for 1,000 food; and steroids-to make your people build extremely fast.
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Cheat Codes (NOT AN EGG) - 6.0/10 with 287 votes
1. Press enter for chat mode
2. Enter the code
3. Jack be nimble: cantapult fire villagers and cows
4. Hoyohoyo: your preists have hit points of 600!!!!!!!!!!
5. Gaia: You control the animals but lose control of your humans
6. Flying dutchman:... more
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Come Back to Life As a Catapult - 6.0/10 with 122 votes
1. Bring up the chat box
2. Type in "dark rider"
3. And voila, when your horse archer gets his head choped of he turns into a big bertha
4. Also "medusa" is when you're a villager then a horse archer then a big bertha.
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Rise of Rome Expansion Cheat Codes (NOT AN EGG) - 5.8/10 with 184 votes
Enter a game, click enter, and type any of the following codes:
1.)convert this!=a priest that can strike enemies with a lightning bolt
2.)pow=baby with a shotgun on a tricycle
3.)stormbilly=a super robot
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Taunts - 5.0/10 with 257 votes
1: Star a game.
2: Press Enter to chat.
3: Type in a number from 1-25.
4: Press Enter.

You sould hear a humorous taunt such as, "I am weak, please don't kill me!" (in a small voice)
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Suicide - 4.6/10 with 186 votes
1. Activate chat mode (not necessarily multi player)
2. Type hari kari then press enter
3. Watch your civilisation commit suicide
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