Evil Dead: Book of the Dead Easter Eggs

You Can Read the Kandarian Text - 6.3/10 with 18 votes
When you open your book of the dead after the intro there is lots of pictures with kandarian text. the first text says dedicated to those who bled for the evil dead and their families, friends and fans ts
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Two Hidden Eggs - 2002 Verion DVD Only - 5.8/10 with 19 votes
At main menu:
Egg 1: go to EXTRAS
highlight "trailer" > arrow left
that should highlight a fish, click it
(this will play a screen test for the animation of one of the zombies)

Egg 2: at EXTRAS click "more"
highlight "fanalysis" > arrow... more
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Fake Blood Test - 5.1/10 with 13 votes
Goto the extras screen, press left or right on your remote until the fish is highlighted, hit select/enter/play or the equivalent, and enjoy a small egg that showcases the crew testing some of the fake blood, to ensure that the goriness is maximized by... more

Evil Incantations - 4.8/10 with 19 votes
In the first extras menu, press left on the DVD remote. This should highlight the fish. Clicking on it should open a "Special make-up effects test".

In the second extras menu, pressing left to highlight the skull and clicking on it should open a Halloween... more

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