Adobe After Effects Easter Eggs

Sheep Sound - 8.1/10 with 10 votes
Create a new composition. Then add anything to the stage (solid will work fine).
Goto your 'Effect Controls' panel (Window->Effect Controls)and you will see your comp name (Comp 1) and the name of the item you just created. (ex. Comp 1 * Orange Solid... more

pic See the Creators - 5.0/10 with 72 votes
1. Open Adobe After Effects.
2. While holding down the ALT key, click on the HELP menu and choose "About After Effects."

Instead of seeing the standard splash screen, you get a "pretty" looking screen with the developer's names
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Property Label Change - 4.5/10 with 13 votes
1. Launch After Effects and create a new project.
2. Create a new composition.
3. Import any type of footage into the project and drag it to the timeline to create a layer, then select it on the timeline.
4. From the menu, choose Layer -> Mask -> New... more
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