Adobe After Effects Easter Egg - Property Label Change

1. Launch After Effects and create a new project.
2. Create a new composition.
3. Import any type of footage into the project and drag it to the timeline to create a layer, then select it on the timeline.
4. From the menu, choose Layer -> Mask -> New Mask.
5. Work your way down to the "Masks" property on your layer by clicking on the triangles. You should eventually reveal lines that let you control four mask properties: Mask shape, feather, opacity and expansion.
6. Hold down ALT, SHIFT and CONTROL, then click on the words "Mask Expansion" (the label for the property right next to the little stopwatch icon).

If you do this right, the label for the property changes from "Mask Expansion" to "Mask Embiggen"

User Rating:
  4.5/10 with 13 votes
Contributed By: David Harpe on 06-12-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: After Effects 6.0
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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EeggHead writes:
Isn't "Embiggen" a fake world created in the Simpsons? It was used in the Jebediah Springfield quote "A noble heart embiggens the smallest man", or something like that.
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