Halloween H2O Easter Eggs

To the Beckers! - 6.5/10 with 81 votes
When Laurie/Keri tells John and Molly to leave in the car without her she says "drive down to the Becker's."
This is a take from Scream (Kevin Williamson wrote Scream and was involved in the writing of H2O), when Casey BECKER is murdered her dad tells... more
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Movie Links - 5.8/10 with 47 votes
Janet Liegh (from the Psycho shower scene) is in the movie as a school secretary. Part way through the movie Jamie Lee Curtis looks in the mirror to see a reflection of the same shower scene looking back at her.
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A 'Mother's' Advice - 5.7/10 with 48 votes
I'm surprised no one mentionned this one.

Janet Leigh (from Psycho) appears as Jamie Lee Curstis' assistant. Just before leaving for the weekend, the assistant turns to her boss and tells her something like: "I worry for you like a mother" or something... more
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Janet Leigh's Car - 5.2/10 with 45 votes
The car Janet Leigh drives in the movie is the same model and color of the one she drove in "Psycho"
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