Fifth Element, The Easter Eggs

Blue Lagoon Reference - 8.6/10 with 8 votes
One of the most notable scenes in the movie was the concert of Diva Plavalaguna. Where did Luc dig that unusual name from?

Milla's father is from Serbia, and in Serbian language "Plava Laguna" stands for "Blue Lagoon". One of first Milla's movies (first... more

pic Gaumont - 6.0/10 with 21 votes
After the shuttle leaves the space port, (or whatever its called), to go to Fhlosten paradise, it reaches lightspeed. The flash that leaves the back of the shuttle when it does this looks just like the Gaumont logo. Gaumont being the production company... more

Don't Forget to Say Hi - 5.9/10 with 74 votes
Go 1:47:51 into the movie (from my DVD player's counter; oh, and if you have the DVD, it's chapter 31). This is when Zorg is putting the circut board into the bomb to stop it from blowing up the ship. On the top right of the card (viewer's perspective),... more
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pic Mark of the Beast - 5.2/10 with 6 votes
When the aliens take over the cruise space ship and Bruce Willis is getting ready to take the stones out of the Diva he holds the gun to the aliens head and hands it to Chris Tucker. As the gun is pointed downward the amount of ammo read 666 mark of... more

Rave Culture References in the Movie - 5.1/10 with 83 votes
During the chase scene in the beginning of the movie between Milla/Bruce and the cops, you'll notice that the "rear view" mirror of every cop "car" has stuff hanging from it. You'll notice glowsticks in almost every car and a whistle or two. Maybe even... more
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Boba Fett Reference - 4.0/10 with 124 votes
The mercenary aliens in "The Fifth Element" are described as having been persecuted by the government. JEAN-BAPTISTE EMMANUAL ZORG (head bad guy): "So what if the federal government scattered your people to the winds..." They are referred to as Mandalores... more
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Sorry Mr. Willis - 2.5/10 with 11 votes
In the scene in which Father Cornelius forces his way into Dallas's apartment with Leeloo, he says something along the lines of, "Terribly sorry, Mr. Willis," and Bruce Willis's character corrects him, "it's Dallas."
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