Shagwell Trick -
5.0/10 with 69 votes
1. Turn on Closed Captioning on your TV
2. Go to the TIVO "Browse by Name" feature
3. Type in "SHAGWELL"
4. Select the listing and give it a thumbs up!
5. Look for the hidden "egg within an egg".. i.e. the goofy characters..
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Fun Little Cartoon -
5.0/10 with 9 votes
With your TV and TIVO on. Set your Tivo to watch live TV.
Click the TIVO icon on your remote.
Then press the 0 button.
You'll see a cute little cartoon of the TIVO logo jumping around on stuff. You can press the Tivo logo again to quit out...
Tivo Character Cartoon -
4.2/10 with 17 votes
-With your TV and TIVO on and watching live TV.
-Press the TIVO icon on the top of your TIVO remote.
-Press the 0 button.
Watch as a fun little cartoon of the Tivo Character dances around your screen.