Hidden Tag -
9.0/10 with 11 votes
In the darkened alley where you first use your flashlight in the part of the game entitled "lowlife" if you turn on the alley you can see some graffiti and a bar code. The numbers below the barcode are 24724 which is the area code for freeman, west virginia.
Resistance? -
8.1/10 with 27 votes
Ok, basically I was playing Episode 1 the other day and got to the part where you have to safeguard the citezens as they cross the courtyard to the train station. As I dropped off the first group, something written on the wall caught my attention, (the...
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Radiohead Reference -
8.0/10 with 7 votes
It's pretty much right at the begining of the game, after Alyx speaks with Dr. Kleiner and Eli, it is when Dog throws a van over to you and Alyx (the van used to throw you and Alyx over to the other side) if you look closely at the centre of the steering...
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