Dungeon Keeper 2 Easter Egg - Witching Hour

Set your clock(Or play real early in the morning) to 11:50PM and play DK2. When your clock hits 12AM it'll say "It's Witching Hour: All curses are half-price!"

User Rating:
  6.4/10 with 30 votes
Contributed By: Poof on 01-11-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Dungeon Keeper 2, System clock set to 12:00 AM
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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DaveL writes:
There are a number of voice messages triggered by specific times. I was playing at 1 am or 2 am once, and the voice said something like "Even Keepers need their sleep".
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Chaos writes:
Along with the message about needing sleep, at or around 3:00 am you will get a message telling you to "GO TO BED!" It's very amusing.
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ToyBoy writes:
My version : About Midnight(Any level & date) "It's the Witching Hour, all Curses are Half Price" About 3AM (Any level & date) "A secret gamingtip, go to bed!." Other amusing statements: "Your lair has been re-carpeted" "Micropigglets have Invaded your dungeon" "A lost soul have entered your dungeon, but he has left again" "Big money!, big Creatures!, I like It!" "Your dungeon Is moist, Install sentral heating" "A creature has called and sayed he can't make It today" -=Game On!=-
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see317 writes:
I've heard a couple other ones: Your floors are bumpy, angry monsters cannot play marbles. Your diligence has earned you a secret tip, GO TO BED. The feathered icon in the next room restores vitality. Your floors are uneven order your monsters to jump up and down.
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Janne writes:
my version: i played dk2 in 29.12.00 and when the clock hit midnight all the creatures at the game started to dance. there was a messages which said "let's party like it's 1999" or something. also there was some music...something about the millennium.
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Sneaky git writes:
there is also something he says on haloween at some point but i've forgotten wot it iz. Something like "happy haloween keeper!"
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Devil of War writes:
Every hour one of these amusing statements will appear.
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fnord writes:
Not only did I once have Mentor ask, "Surely even Keepers retire to a lair of some description?" but found that if you just wander about a bit late at night (after 1 a.m.?) Mentor (check the credits, it's he who talks to you!) asks "Hello? You still there? The imps are about to lock up!").
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sandmanNZ writes:
Yes, a most amusing game,with all of the above i have also had "your dungeon floor is cover in yogurt."NOT to mention how hilarious some of the FMV is chickens for nunchuckas,take that Bruce Lee.
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kuraijo writes:
yeah...you get those messages every half-1 hour or so...I've gotten almost all of the above messages except those telling me to go to sleep... by the way it's "a neutral creature sends word that he can't make it today" and here's another one "hungry monsters cannot reach their toes" i had the "your dungeon floor is covered in yoghurt" almost every other mission...
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Mister Bendy writes:
Get 20 or more imps and you'll get the message "One of your imps does a great impression of you. He can even do the ears.".
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xymir writes:
I play this game so much I've heard all of the above mentioned. Even the "Party like it's 1999" one! I even heard one sort of like, "Keeper. You know that soft and fluffy item sitting in the other room? It has the power to heal and remove fattigue."
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When your away and your dungeon is still active after a while it says "even the rocks yawn in anticipation of your next move"
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Dragostea writes:
A friend of mine filled his dungeon only with Mistresses(DK2) a voice said "Your dungoen is full of Mistresses. There's a word for Keepers like you."
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