Windows XP Easter Egg - Pinball Mouse Control (not an egg)

This is a cool egg if youare rubbish at microsoft pinball or just want to make your friends know that you rule. This is how to do it:

Press start, All programs, games, Pinball.

When you are in pinball wait until the ball appears ahd then type in 'hidden test' without the quotes. if you have not mispelt this then you should be able to hold the mouse button and control the ball with the mouse.

Thanks for reading

User Rating:
  8.2/10 with 88 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 02-12-2008
Reviewed By: MonicaIngram
Special Requirements: Microsoft XP
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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izdvacb writes:
After you've used this one, if you let go of the ball and type "h" (without the quotes), it brings you to the high score table where it asks you to put your name because it says you've just gotten a high score of 1 million points.
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Pheonix writes:
Already posted on here
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david1965 writes:
I actually got past I million points but as I had to reinstall Windows xp Pro after getting a really nasty virus which would not leave after it was removed by avast anti virus anyway I have my system up and running and now running AVG FREE 2012, but the nasty NVQ glitch is still in my system.
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