Sigmatel STMP35xx based MP3 players Easter Egg - Hidden message in bootstrap ROM
This is a hidden message in the SigmaTel STMP3502 chip which is used by a many different MP3 players.
Once you have a copy of the internal ROM, it must be byteswapped and then loaded into a hex editor.
Go to offset 0x436f (and there is a message from the authors:
Copyright(C) SigmaTel, Inc. 2000-2003. No llamas were harmed in the making of this product. You dont want it. You just need it. To breathe, to feel, to know youre alive. MJ, TZ, JG, JCP, AT, QS, GA, DM, SV, and MH because he whined about being left off this very special list. JD because he tested it. United we stand.
Special Requirements: Some way of reading out the internal ROM.
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