Metal Gear Solid 2 (Playstation 2) Easter Egg - Vamp's Weak Point

When you fight vamp, right before saving Emma, It´s possible to reduce a large ammount of his stamina by shooting (with the M9) at the wounds he has on the head and stomach.
This is hard to do but is fun to see him cry for the pain.
I Think that its possible to do this with another weapon, obviously decreasing his life instead of his stamina.

User Rating:
  7.3/10 with 3 votes
Contributed By: Raiden on 03-16-2006
Reviewed By: Axel, MorPH
Special Requirements: Excellent Accuracy
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Harv writes:
Not an egg, but still a very good tip! While the spot on the head somehow is easy to understand(headshots in most games work that way) the one on the torso is easily overlooked. One add on to your tip: Vamp, as we all know, is a quick bastage. He does have a pattern like any game boss and stop in certain stances at certain intervals. If you know where and how he will come to a stop, you can easily aim ahead and shave a large chunk of health. This conserves ammo(and frustration).
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