Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Easter Egg - Oh the Pain....

This is pretty simple, neat, and important to any fans of the book.
1. When Arthur, Ford, Trillion, Zaphod and Marvin are on the ship and being shot at by the defenses of the lost planet, Douglas Adams writes that during the scuffle one of the crew takes a fall and bruises their right elbow. But then after making a big point about it he intentionally leaves out who it is that recieved the injury.
2. Watch the same part of the BBC tv series, they too mention it but leave it out.
3. After watching that episode all the way through, let the credits play all the way through, and after it is done, a voice will come on telling you who it was that received the injury.

User Rating:
  6.4/10 with 13 votes
Contributed By: panic42j on 02-26-2006
Reviewed By: Techneon, MorPH
Special Requirements: A copy of the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy book and BBC tv series
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Wallamanage writes:
Firstly this isn't filed right. Should be under TV shows. Secondly it's crap because the radio series was written first and it says who it is in that. Thirdly it's not entertaining. Fourthly everyone always watches to the end of each show anyway.
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MorPH writes:
Well, I thought it was entertaining. Thats why I accepted it. SO DON'T MOAN.
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marvin fan writes:
I've never seen the show before. Who gets bruised. (I know it's not Marvin, so tell the truth!)
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xDr writes:
Actually it bothered me for years! Until I heard the original radio show, and it is said after the credits, just as the man says.
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