Crus'n USA Easter Egg - Secret License Plates

Play Crus'n USA on a screen big enough where you can identify the license plates of the cars.

You'll notice that the if you select the ATV, the car very similar to the afamed Ford Bronco that OJ Simpson drove, the license plate says "Guilty".

As well the license plate of the cop car reads "Oink" as if to insenuate that police at a whole are a pork product of some type...

Also, on the high score screen..after entering in your intitials, hold the control stick to the left for about 60 seconds and a game desginers head will roll along saying "I love this job!". Denial is an ugly things.

User Rating:
  6.3/10 with 39 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 12-03-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Game. Big Screen.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Sean writes:
I noticed that the Muscle car license plate says "MOM". Does any know a reason why(starts playing that annoying Jepeordy music)?
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the 'mom' license plate probably is there because of the 'tough guys with a I LOVE MOM tattoo' cliche
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Why it says "Oink": Man, you guys suck. Oink is referring to police as pigs. Ever hear that slang?
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