Angry Beavers, The Easter Egg - Subliminal Gun Support

In the episode "Stinky Toe" when Norbert leaves Daggett a note and he begins reading it, look at it, towards the bottom it says NRA4EVER (which is said to be used in the Simpsons opening credits) This one made a lot of people in my family laugh

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  3.7/10 with 7 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 09-01-2005
Reviewed By: Axel, DomFeargrieve
Special Requirements: the episode
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Taken at 5:10 in the mornin.....  I thought the TV was sending me hidden messages when I saw this... when I realized what it was, I nearly shat myself.
Taken at 5:10 in the mornin..... I thought the TV was sending me hidden messages when I saw this... when I realized what it was, I nearly shat myself.

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ADD writes:
Actually, the Simpsons portion of this egg you mention was a joke. It was created on a clip show episode of the Simpsons, in which Troy McClure shows an edited clip of the opening, which then shows the letters "NRA4EVER" quite clearly, however those letters never appear in the actual opening.
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Thought you said you 'nearly shot yourself' at first . . . lol.
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It was on the Simpson's 138th episode spectacular. In all the other Simpson's episode it actually reads $847.63, which is how much it costs to raise a baby for a month.
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NRA IS NOT A SUB.MESSAGE .It have a whole lot of meanings ,not just the national rifle association like:Normal Retirement Age ,National Recovery Administration ,National Retail Association ,National Roads Authority and so on.The angry beavers have a lot of in-jokes this is one of them.
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