Metal Gear Solid 2 (Playstation 2) Easter Egg - Hidden Conversation

In the sniping mission, once Emma gets behind the second pillar thingy, use the d. mic to listen in on her conversation with a man named Johnny about beautiful women and diarrhea.

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  4.7/10 with 9 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 08-27-2005
Reviewed By: Axel, Loginer
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BIG D writes:
first i would like to say that yes this is true but the man's name is Johnny not steven.
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Edster writes:
I think the beautiful woman he's talking about is Sniper Wolf. She was a good character. Short lived.
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Harv writes:
Its Johnny. I'm positive :) Johnny is a comedy soldier that has, at least, been spotted in each of the 3 playstation releases of MGS. Whenever your character meets him he is always suffering a bad case know what. :)
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BoOm-BoX writes:
His full name is Johnny Sasaki Slater, but in MGS3: Snake Eater, its not johnny its his grandfather.
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dhickman writes:
it is cambel's niece not wolf
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