Mozilla Easter Egg - Cookies

1) Hit Tools.
2) From the drop-down menu, hit options.
3) In the Privacy tab, click on the plus sign next to the bit describing what a Cookie is.

"Cookies are delicious delicacies."

And they sure are!

User Rating:
  3.3/10 with 43 votes
Contributed By: Skyline R34 on 09-05-2004
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster, Boneho Chane
Special Requirements: FireFox 0.8---haven't tried other versions
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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norcimo writes:
Sadly no more. It's been "fixed" to say something more useful. There is an extension around somewhere to restore the original cookies line though.
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koira writes:
The extension norcimo mentioned is called "Delicious Delicacies" and is available here ~> It's only 3KB and quite funny! :-D
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Mac transalation: Go to Firefox->Preferences->Security->Click on the "flippy triangle"-there you go! (Extension works on Mac too)
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