FrontPage Easter Egg - Car Racing Credits

1. Enter Microsoft FrontPage
2. Click on the INSERT option up the top of the page
3. Then click on COMPONENT, and then WORKSHEET
4. After inserting a new Worksheet, click on the number one, and scroll down until the number 2000 is the top number in that list showing.
5. Now scroll ACROSS in the letters section until you reach WC, making sure that it is the left most letter showing
6. Following that, you must click on the number 2000 so that line is highlited
7. All you have to do now is hold Control, Alt and Shift together, and click the puzzle like logo in the top-left corner of the Worksheet.
8. Wait for a second and then ENJOY!

User Rating:
  5.1/10 with 68 votes
Contributed By: Johnny on 04-02-2003
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Microsoft FrontPage 2000
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Quickkid writes:
Thia Egg seems not to work with Direct X 9.0
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Double C writes:
This egg is also in Excel 2000 unless I'm mistaken. It uses the same row numbers and the "puzzle thingy" is actually the Office logo. I also think that it must use a component of Excel to make the worksheet in the first place, because you can save as a web page in Excel.
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