Theme Hospital Easter Egg - Ill Staff

1. Click'n'drop a few members of staff into an empty wing of the hospital
2. Trap them inside the wing (ie - cover the floor with a line of plants). There has to be no way for them to escape.
3. Once they are all trapped, click on any/all of them, and fire them.
4. Watch what happens!!!
5. Different thngs happen to Doctors, to nurses,etc.
6. This always works in the demo, if the staff are trapped in the south-east wing and the narrow passageway is blocked with plants.
7. I've known it to work a couple of times in the full game.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 133 votes
Contributed By: Cold Fire on 07-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Windows 95 or better
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Stuart Reed writes:
It works in the full game, doctors turn into headless women nurse into headless men handmen into hair people reseptionsists into elves
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@ssKicker writes:
That's kinda funny! I found this one a while ago, but I thought it only worked on Handymen. They turn into people with Hairyitis. They sort of flicker between the weird state and their normal form.
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Kinky_Angel writes:
aha i tried that cause it sound pretty funny. it worked too. so i went a bit stupid with it and got as many people as i could but its hard cause they keep moving then i fired them all and they all turned weird
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Raj writes:
I don't think it's a bug, because, well, it seems like something done intentionaly. While moving, the staff change back into, well, staff but when they stop, they become "something else"! I think it's cool for gamers who like to do wierd stuff, like firing trapped people....
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luke407 writes:
Just block the doors with plants and then you can turn loads more than three people into stuff.
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Lil_Liz writes:
Raj, i don't think anybody thought it was a bug in the first place. Sorry.
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MIdAS writes:
the full game doesn't seem to let you do it. Shame that.
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