Sim Copter Easter Egg - Dancers in Bathing Suits

1. Go to the Career game
2. Hit Ctrl + Alt + X and type "Warp me to career: 29" (no quotes)
3. Hit Ctrl + Alt + X and type "Been there, done that" (no quotes)
4. In a few seconds, about 300 guys in bathing suits will appear.
5. For fun, since there is no military helicopter in that level, fire tear gas at them!
6. (The Maxis employee got fired for doing it)

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 178 votes
Contributed By: David Bumba on 07-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Windows 95 or better
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Weasel writes:
They are the marching band at your hangar for your graduation.
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halibut writes:
In fact, these are gay guys. This is actually written in the Guiness book of records 2000! The company was fined the most amount of money for something because of it, the game was hacked in 2 before it had even been released! And Maxis paid a massive fine for it :-) not that I don't like Maxis
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I agree with the people that said it's the band. That'd be stupid.... guys in bathing suits? Pleeze.
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BojanK writes:
It is a hack!!! And it's available only in about 50,000 copies of this game that first sold! It is written in Guinness book of records! They are gay guys in bathing suits! If you see trumpets at the end, that means you have the unhacked edition of the game! If you're interested, there is a picture somewhere on the net, and now you try to find it. :) Truly, it does exist, I've seen it happen!!!
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Bob writes:
If you fire tear gas at them, you can then bring them to a hospital and receive $$$$$$ for it.
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Leon Rhodes writes:
This only works if the game is not patched, the patch removes this nifty little egg. I've seen it too, if you exit your helicopter and run around, I think you can see them kissing each other, but I'm not sure, that cd has long been in my gaming pile o' shame. I do remember that the patch takes it out and that there was a big fuss about it, however.
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Hypocerebral writes:
This egg shows up only upon completion of the last level. On all others, there's the marching band. On the last level, there's a bunch of guys in swimsuits.
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Celtcub writes:
Speaking as an employee who worked for Maxis during this whole thing, I can promise you it's there. Also being a member of the QA department, I can tell you it's not something we found before the game shipped. Not only did it cost a lot of money, but it also cost jobs!! And to clear things up, yes they are gay guys, they will kiss each other and the pilot. This was done because the programmer who was working on it didn't like the fact that the stand-in models he had to work with were large breasted women in hip boots. (Considering the graphics level of this game I am shocked either one caused the raising of eyebrows, but....) I agree with his reasons behind it, it was extreamly sexist and homophobic of the other programmers to use those as stand-ins, but unauthorized code of any kind is a no-no. It is also set off by a couple of dates, one being the programmers birthday, but it's been a long time so I couldn't tell you what those dates actually are.... The game was recalled and another release was done, so if you have a copy of the original, hold on to it. I am sure someone on Ebay would pay for a copy of it. I didn't know we had made it into the G-Book..that's kinda cool.... - Liam (No longer working for Maxis due to the Borg takeover..aka Electronic Arts....)
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Yeft writes:
This does happen in my copy of Sim Copter. It is very funny. If you go outside your helicopter and walk up to one of them when they would normally have a gibberish conversation they kiss each other.
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