Monkey Island 4 (Escape from Monkey Island) Easter Egg - Randy Sucks

I saw this egg by accident... I have a Geforce 2 GTS, windows 2000, the 22.80 detonator drivers (for the geforce)and use the geforce tweak util.
Using the tweak util in the Quality preset caused Monkey 4 to show me some pink lines, that i think define the image planes for the 2D art.
In the Scum Bar, on the seccond room there is a chair, bottom right, and the pink lines forms the words "Randy Sucks" on the chair.

Joaquim Procopio

User Rating:
  8.0/10 with 30 votes
Contributed By: J Procopio on 12-07-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Cawas writes:
Who the hell is Randy?
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Checkmate writes:
Randy is a guy who worked on the game! Just look in the credits. Somebody doesn't like him?
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Sbobette writes:
This is probably a joke that one programmer played on another, named Randy, I'm guessing.
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