FrontPage Easter Egg - HTML Colors

HTML markup language allows you to use color names to represent the color value. If you use the word yellow you will get yellow. Here are some other interesting colors:

Crap = nice hideous brown
Butt = don't know why but it is red too
Monkey = vibrant blue

We could go on, but we are rolling from laughter. Hope you enjoy - please post others you find.

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  4.9/10 with 157 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 05-15-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Front Page 2000
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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pvtolson writes:
This is actually the combinations of the coding letters. It all depends on the first two letters
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MatthewH12 writes:
This works in IE too. In the address bar put: ABOUT: put the color u want where it says COLOR U WANT
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thisone writes:
Wasn't this already covered on another egg? I remember someone explaining clearly how the letters convert to digital color code.
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fire = a really neat red
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ToddRMe writes:
Yes, this was explained in an other egg, one about Internet explorer. It has to do with the letters of the word getting converted into hexadecimal values, then the hexadecimal values are converted into a color with the same hexadecimal values. Its only the first few letter. I'm not sure how many letters really count. Its all one big coincidence.
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MEGARafaleC writes:
This isn't an egg, if you understood HTML tags you would know why. The first few letters determine the color of the text.
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Patabugen writes:
This actually only works when the page is viewed in one of the slightly newer browsers, you can use the colour name instead of the hex code, e.g Yellow, Red, Blue, but if the browser dosent reconise the colour you entered it guesses at the nearest match. The biggest problem with this is that i write Grey (in uk english) but the IE only reconises Gray as it only reconises american text. Therefore IE shows my Greys as Green because the spelling is so close. This is not an egg it is just the lazy american programmers of microsoft forgetting the british web-masters. Can i also just point out that the spell cheak on this is also american based and dosent reconise my spelling of colour.
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Frank writes:
Try 'ASDF'. For more information, goto ''.
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Freddie writes:
That is kinda cool. But it was on an egg
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Freddie writes:
Even though it has already been posted it's still cool.
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use "bill gates is dead" as the color, it will show red as in blood, lol
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microchip writes:
It's the first 6 letters/numbers.
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microchip writes:
Sort of Quick Heaxdecimal Tutorial: (I'm assuming that you already know how to at least insert colors into HTML) To make a color in hexadecimal form you should only use 6 letters, as it will only recognize the first six unless it is a valid color NAME and not a hex code, and always put a # first. Second, hexadecimal starts at 0 and goes to F (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F). Anything over F is counted as null (0)! In hex code the first 2 letters represent red, the second two represent green, and the last two represent blue (RGB). So, to make red use '#FF0000'. The reason 'CRAP' looks brown is because when it is converted to hex code, it looks like this: '#C0A0'. Thats C0 red and A0 green because it counts R and P as 0 because they are above F. This produces a dark red. Try '#C0A0' as compared to 'CRAP' and you will find no difference.
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dttvb writes:
Crap = C0A0 = #C0A000 R and P is not hexadecimal value (0-9,A-F) so change them to 0 = Butt = B000 = #B00000 U and T is not hexadecimal value (0-9,A-F) so change them to 0 = Monkey = 0000E0 = #0000E0 M, O, N, K and Y is not hexadecimal value (0-9,A-F) so change them to 0 = ## Confirmed
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