X-Files Easter Egg - The Programmers Can't Stand Skinner Either

Bored and frustrated with some of the puzzles, I saved my game off and travelled around shooting EVERYBODY. All killings that were not enemies landed me in prison --- except one. When I shot Skinner, the higher-ups took my badge and gun. -0- jail time, but still end of game.

User Rating:
  4.5/10 with 36 votes
Contributed By: Gutter Rat on 09-13-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: need 1 gun, 1 bullet, and 1 superior officer named Skinner
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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I noticed that too. And judging from your title, "The programmers can't stand Skinner either", I can guess you don't like him just like the programmers. I still think this was a programming scene link failure. For example, note that other shootings can leave you -dead-?!? ie. in a grave OR on Skully's autopsy morgue table, followed by the same grave scene. This could be a technicality issue. Also note that hesitating to do things can also have the same result, but this is part of the game, not a problem.
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Renton writes:
Actually, every time you shoot somebody, it alternates between Shanks taking your badge and gun, the police line-up, and various ways you die. Usually you go to jail if its a civilian, lose your badge if its an FBI/Police official die if its an enemy that can't/shouldn't be killed, however these can alternate. The only specific death scene I know of is X - If you even pick up your gun, he'll pull out the stiletto.
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