Palm OS Easter Egg - Handspring Visor - Cartwheeling "Flip" Guy

1. Go to the main category.
2. while holding the up button tap the time tab next to the battery indicator.
3. watch flip do cartwheels across the screen in color.

This works from other categories as well

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 157 votes
Contributed By: Rich on 01-04-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: only tested on visor prism
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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pst writes:
Works in B&W on the Visor Deluxe as well! Cool!
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Dirkus writes:
If you activate this easter egg, you can get what I'm assuming is the firmware date by holding the page-down button for 2 seconds. Mine reads "31-Aug-1999"
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allah03 writes:
This works on my Visor Deluxe, too! Very cool!
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Tested on Visor Platinum. And it works.
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Jen writes:
This egg works on my visor (the regular kind, not a prism, etc.)
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Jarrett writes:
This Egg also works on the Handspring Treo.
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bimminger writes:
On my visor edge that only shows detailed information about my battery status.
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moc1man writes:
Worked for me on my first try!
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Thom_D writes:
Worked on my Visor Pro running OS 3.5. Pretty cute for a splash screen.
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QuciknDirty writes:
This doesn't seem to work with my Palm IIIc 3.5.1
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