Soldier Of Fortune Easter Egg - Big Tributes to Id, and Some General Laziness

I believe the developers thought that perhaps as this was one of the last times the Q2 engine was going to be used, They put a few things in to signify it. Excuse me, but doesn't chasing racists around a german castle sound very familiar? Also, the developers (raven) used the sound of the opening doors in the more futuristic parts of the game from one of thier other games, AvP. (Aliens verus Predator). Correct me if i'm wrong.

User Rating:
  1.7/10 with 139 votes
Contributed By: on 07-01-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: the game
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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User writes:
You are wrong. Raven never did avp.
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Fegisje writes:
hehe : )
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FutureKill writes:
Made an ass of yourself didn't you.
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Rebellion did. Raven never had any part in it. If you think the door effects in AvP were the same as in the 'futuristic' parts of the SOF game, then you need your head checked. The guys at AvP dug up and used the same sound effects they used in the Alien and Predator films. Don't believe me? Check it out yourselves. Its all there in the sites and magazines I read. The guys that made AvP, did this to make players go, WOW, that reminds me of Aliens(#2), and so on, and so forth. And it wasn't all in vein, I was dumbfounded when I heard the sounds in AvP, it brought back wonderful memories, and this was years after I saw the films. So there!
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fuzz writes:
You are also wrong about RtCW.. It's Q3...
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