Close Encounters of the Third Kind Easter Egg - Starwars Cross-Reference

The scene is towards the end of the film, after the army has cordoned off the mountain, and just after the hero (played be Richard Drefus) jumps out the helecopter and runs up the mountain.

Look carefully at the scene where Richard dreyfus is peering over the edge, into the crater, and gets 'Buzzed' by one of the largest ufos / spaceships.

On the underneath of the spaceship, fixed upside down, is R2-D2 from Starwars!

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  7.1/10 with 169 votes
Contributed By: Richard Banks on 08-07-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: VCR with slow-motion button
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

R2D2 in
R2D2 in "Close encounters of the first kind" movie (by TFI)

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. writes:
It could be an inside joke between the two movie crews perhaps.
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SantyClz writes:
Since both movies were released in 1977, this would have been an extremely early tribute.
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kapgar writes:
Last time I heard, there was nothing special about the underside of the space ship (nothing hidden, that is). I actually heard that the bottom of the spaceship is upside down footage of the city of Los Angeles filmed at night from the top of some hill. Dunno if it's true, but it seems to work (moving lights from cars, lights from buildings, outcroppings, etc). I'll have to check out the movie again and find out for sure.
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BDHarvey1 writes:
It's on the mother ship as it rises in front of Jillian outlined in silhouette. And it has been confirmed that it is R2-D2 in the documentary on the DVD.
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The BJC writes:
Go buy the DVD for this movie... Go ahead, I'll wait... Now watch the documentary, it's an hour and a half... don't worry, we've got time... You'll see a segment where the sfx crew shows you exactly where to find R2D2. Oh yeah, everybody's favorite droid is right there, hanging from his boots... or treads... whatever.
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on the DVD, you can see the R2-D2 at time index 1:54:03 to 1:54:05
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Dylan Rush. writes:
Yes you are correct, but this perhaps was a pre-tribute, cause the guy who had just finished the Star Wars visual effects worked on Close Encounters just after Star Wars was finished. Or maybe he was working on both at the same time, I don't know.
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Phantom writes:
Actually, Star Wars was released in 1977, and Close Encounters was released in 1978.
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bond77girl writes:
In the version I have (Australia), it's at 1:49:33 to 1:49:36. And it isn't Richard Dreyfuss looking into the crater, it's that blonde chick.
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blimpguy writes:
The actual model of the mother ship is on display at the Udvar-Hazey extension of the Air and Space Museum at Dulles International Airport. The plaque on the display case points out where to find not only the R2D2, but also quite a few model kit artifacts. The other one that sticks in my mind is a tiny seaplane, though I've never spotted it in the movie.
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