HandSpring Visor Easter Egg - Credits Handspring Display

1. Go to the menu on your handheld.
2. Hold down the up scroll button and tap the time tab in the upper right hand corner.
3. You will be presented with a little show of the dancing handspring man while the names of the developers at HandSpring are displayed.

User Rating:
  6.3/10 with 188 votes
Contributed By: AJ on 05-16-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A HandSpring Visor
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Jim G writes:
On my visor the time is in the upper LEFT corner.
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Sub-egg: While the animation is running, press the down button and a date will appear in the upper left corner ("31-Aug-1999" on mine). Not sure what that is supposed to represent, but there you go.
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kingfire writes:
I think the date has to do something with when your model was designed.
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pennie writes:
my visor prism (color visor)gives a very brief dancing hand-spring and just says "brought to you by the hand-spring team & skip". my old visor (black&white) gives a whole list of people by name.
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p14nd4 writes:
This also works on my Handspring Treo 300 on SprintPCS, PalmOS v. 3.5.2H6.3, firmware revision 1.21.
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