Terminator 2: Judgement Day Easter Egg - Aliens Reference

In one of the scenes from the "Man vs. Machine"-future of adult John Connor, one of the soldiers can be seen running with a readied M-56 SmartGun of "Aliens" fame, complete with harness and all..

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Contributed By: warlock on 04-18-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: VCR or DVD copy
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Big Sned writes:
Where? Theres lots of bits with people running around with guns!
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jaox writes:
the actress playing John Conner foster-mom in T2 also plays Vasquez in Aliens
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She also appeared on Titanic! As the mum (freckles must have been added) with the 2 kids. She is the one that dies telling the kids the bedtime stories while tucking them in bed. She has an Irish accent as far as I remember. Maybe Cameron likes to put her in all of his new movies. Who knows? Does anybody know about this? And if you want to watch out for her, I advise you not to look too hard and strain your eyes with all the people in the backround, because she is basically the only mother close to screen with kids and with a talking role.
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KB writes:
Cameron "re-uses" a lot of actors for his movies. "Hudson" from Aliens is in the beginning of the First Terminator, Aliens, Titanic, and another Film I'm forgetting at the moment, didn't he also do True Lies? I think its cool that he has a group of actors and actresses that he uses for each movie, gives his and their work a continuity. Also, Michael Bhein (
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Gnomist writes:
Heres another... when ripley and the rest are sitting at the table eating breakfast near the begining of Aliens, just after Bishop has cut his finger, Ripley goes mad - Bishop says that the past robot, the one in Alien, must have been an earlier model - a cyberdyne systems model whatever... sound familiar??
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Wasnt AlienS produced before the Terminator movies?
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pus_munky writes:
To KB, Yes Bill Paxton (Hudson) was in 'True Lies' as the guy who was pretending to be a spy... Also, The main male character in 'Aliens' and 'Terminator 1' (non-cyborg from future) has been in quite a few of Cameron's movies eg. 'The Abyss' (which I think many people are forgetting) He played Coffey in that movie... but Bill Paxton and Arnie seem to be the main guys.
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ronster writes:
The actress that plays John Connor foster mom, Vasquez in ALIENS, the mum in TITANIC, also plays a cop in LETHAL WEAPON TWO. She dies on the exploding diving board.
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Wrong!! Bishop doesn't say Cyberdyne Systems, but Hyberdyne Systems. Still a reference to terminator i think. Here's a small easter egg on every Cameron film that has Michael Biehn: Biehn gets bitten in the hand in every movie. In Terminator Sarah bites him, in Aliens Newt bites him and in the Abyss Virgil Brigman bites him. He must have some scars in his hand...
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DGD writes:
Michael Bien is a good friend of Cameron, so he tries to put him in all his movies. In t2:judgment, he originally did a cameo of his character, Kyle Reese (who he played in the first terminator), but the scene was cut.
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The Watcher writes:
Regarding the actress playing John Connor's foster mom and Vasquez in "Aliens": Her name is Jenette Goldstein, and she also played the science officer on the Enterprise-B in "Star Trek: Generations".
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2GS writes:
Here’s a cool one you guys might like: Lance Henriksen the guy who plays the “artificial person” Bishop in Aliens played Detective Vukovich in The Terminator. Now in the making for The Terminator James Cameron originally intended for Lance to play the Terminator because at first he was going for an average joe kind of terminator but Arnold S. came in in one interview with all his muscles and started acting like an expressionless robot and won over James thereby casting him as the terminator and Lance as the detective. But in Aliens James redeemed himself to Lance by of course casting him as Bishop the “artificial Person”.
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