On the back of the album, there is a picture of
David Lee Roth bending over backwards. Place the palm of your hand over the picture leaving only the left side outline of his body exposed. Does it resemble the shape of a certain male organ?
Worst 25 Music Album Easter Eggs![]() Posted Sunday, October 17 in Van Halen (Van Halen)
On the back of the album, there is a picture of
Toxicity Hiden Interview
- 2.1/10 with 100 votes
David Lee Roth bending over backwards. Place the palm of your hand over the picture leaving only the left side outline of his body exposed. Does it resemble the shape of a certain male organ? Posted Friday, August 23 in System Of A Down
1, Get SOAD - Toxicity Album
Extra Song
- 2.6/10 with 86 votes
2, Play Aerials (last Track) 3, Wait For About 30 Seconds After Tracks Over You'll Hear Daron + Serj (i think its just them) Thanking The Fans For Buying The Album. Posted Saturday, December 11 in Family values (Korn)
After the last track on the album (track 21 : Got The Life), wait a few seconds and you'll hear another track - I think it's called "I'm so blind" or something like that. It's pretty cool - sorry if you already know this cos it's not that well hidden.
Dave Comes Out? On Ddtw
- 2.6/10 with 216 votes
Posted Wednesday, September 29 in Before These Crowded Streets (Dave Matthews Band)
At the end of the song "Don't Drink the Water," between 6:00 and 6:30, Dave starts screaming out what seems to be gibberish. If you listen to it carefully see says, "Suppose I'm gay? like a homo yeah." Is he coming out or is he just mocking the rumors... more
Home of the Robbie
- 2.7/10 with 187 votes
Posted Friday, December 24 in Stunt (Barenaked Ladies)
Go to the song "One Week". At the end it keeps repeating the words "still be two days till we say we're sorry". Instead of saying that, one of the times it says "Birchmont Stadium, Home of the Robbie".
Hide the Hidden Book
- 2.8/10 with 64 votes
Posted Monday, December 11 in Light Years (Kylie Minogue)
Have you got Kylie's latest album? Here you go_ my own personal guide to find a hidden booklet.
Hidden Track
- 2.8/10 with 50 votes
1: Put the CD somewhere(you're not going to need it.) 2: Open up the tray that the CD actually sits on. 3:The plastic may break so be careful. 4: In between... more Posted Tuesday, May 15 in Kid A (Radiohead)
Well beyond the song "Motion Picture Soundtrack", there is a secret sound. You have to wait a lot to hear it, so I'll tell you what is this; then you don't waste your time. The hidden sound is like the song "Treefingers", with this kind of digital effect... more
Cover Eggs
- 2.9/10 with 175 votes
Posted Sunday, January 23 in Be Here Now (Oasis)
On the front cover, the clock on the left is the same as the CD's front. Also, if you look at the bottom, at the arc in the ground made of stones (start with the stone in the arc closest to the bottom ) go up 5 stones and you can see a cigarette butt... more
Priest Song
- 3.1/10 with 76 votes
Posted Saturday, August 28 in Celebrity Skin (Hole)
At the 4th track (Malibu), forward it at the end of the song, then up the volume and you can hear some kind of Gregorian Song!
Say What?
- 3.1/10 with 75 votes
Posted Friday, September 17 in Sgt. Pepper´s Lonely Hearts Club Band
1.Play through last track or fast forward until the end of the song, "A Day In The Life".
Kenny Biery's White Zombie Eggs
- 3.3/10 with 61 votes
2.Wait about 30 seconds. 3.Now some funky gibberish should start playing. I have no clue what is being said or what the significance of this is either. I just... more Posted Thursday, February 3 in Astro Creep 2000 (White Zombie)
1. Let your CD play 'til it gets to the end.
Great Quote
- 3.4/10 with 50 votes
2. Don't touch it for about 20 minutes. 3. After that a great secret track will come on. 4. Enjoy your secret music. Posted Wednesday, December 15 in Hello Nasty!(Beastie Boys)
Go to track 13 on the cd. Skip back a little and you'll hear a great quote about basketball and rain!
- 3.4/10 with 67 votes
Posted Wednesday, January 5 in Life is Peachy (KoRn)
1.Enter the cd into your computer.
Extra Song
- 3.5/10 with 237 votes
2.Start setup 95.exe 3.If you don't have quiktime, press "install quiktime" 4.Press "start title". Posted Monday, August 23 in Chef Aid (Southpark)
Go to the last listed song and keep playing.
White Pony's Secret
- 3.5/10 with 60 votes
You can hear "Kyle's mom's a b**ch". Posted Monday, July 31 in White Pony (Deftones)
Simply putting the cd audio of Deftones's White Pony in your computer's cd-rom and clicking on DEFTONES.exe you will open a screen made like a web page with pictures, lyrics, a movie, a game and a link to a hidden web page!!!
Blink Software
- 3.6/10 with 264 votes
In your cd you will also... more Posted Thursday, October 28 in Enema of the State(Blink 182)
Put your Enema disk into your CD rom drive and you will be asked if you wish to intall Universal Music Player. Say yes, it will install and you will get Blink pictures and movies as well as web links.
Police Code 5150
- 3.7/10 with 268 votes
Posted Tuesday, September 7 in 5150 (Van Halen)
"5150", which is the name of an album and song by Van Halen, Van Halen's recording studio, and a line of amplifiers by Eddie Van Halen, is the California Police Code for an insane or mentally unstable person who is causing disrest to the general public.
Cover Eggs
- 4.0/10 with 54 votes
Inside... more Posted Sunday, January 23 in Masterplan, The (Oasis)
The banner at the top of the front cover on the CD case, that is in the middle of the room at the top, is the same that is on the CD. Also, if you look in the desk that is open in the room, you can see a promo for Definitely Mabye.
Hidden CD Player and Editor
- 4.0/10 with 52 votes
Posted Saturday, October 2 in Nine Lives (Aerosmith)
1. Open the Nine Lives CD Jewel Case
Little Sluggers Name
- 4.0/10 with 62 votes
2. Put the CD into your CD ROM Drive 3. There will be a pop-up screen there that lets you choose between a special Nine Lives CD Player or a Nine Lives Music Editor. 4. Pick One 5. Enjoy PS If you don't... more Posted Monday, December 6 in Follow the Leader (Korn)
On some CDs, the little slugger (kid with bat at bottom right hand corner) will have the name "DAVIS" representing the band's singer Jonathan Davis :-)
Secret Songs and Text
- 4.1/10 with 98 votes
Posted Sunday, August 22 in Hello Nasty!(Beastie Boys)
To get the secret song skip to the song "Remoote Control" rewind it from there about forty seconds you will here a Spanish guy singing a song called "Uho Na Breas
Secret Song
- 4.1/10 with 83 votes
Posted Tuesday, September 7 in Before These Crowded Streets (Dave Matthews Band)
Listen all the way through "Spoon" (or fast forward through it)after the song ends, listen for about 1 minute and you'll here the secret song.
Ben Stiller and Fred D. Talking
- 4.4/10 with 270 votes
Posted Thursday, October 26 in Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water (Limp Bizkit)
1. Go to track 15 named Outro.
CD Cover Eggs
- 4.5/10 with 90 votes
2. Listen through it all. It lists 2:01 long but it is really 9:49 long. 3. You will hear Ben Stiller talking with Fred (near the end it will be only Ben laughing his a** off) Posted Sunday, January 23 in Definitely Mabye (Oasis)
Look at the back cover of the Definitely Mabye CD (They're easier to see on this side). If you look to the right of Tony and to the left of Guigsy in the stain glass window, the window is actually what the CD's front looks like. Its the same as the other... more
Hidden Picture
- 4.5/10 with 46 votes
Posted Sunday, November 7 in Ill Communication (Beastie Boys)
Remove the black plastic tray (where the Cd itself sits) and there is a hidden picture insert.