Real Myst Easter Eggs

Pong and No Doughnuts - 9.0/10 with 24 votes
-- Pong --
1. Enter the observatory, turn off the lights, sit in the chair, and pull the control panel toward you.
2. Enter "March" as the month and "1978" as the year. The day and time don't matter.
3. Press the button and wait for the constellation... more

pic Pong! - 8.6/10 with 37 votes
On Myst Island, go to the planetarium.
Sit in the chair and pull down the star viewer.
Enter the date: MARCH 1ST 1978 and for the time
enter what the clock tower shows.
After the viewer finishes locating the
coordinates, change the month from MARCH... more
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Mucho Video Heuvos - 7.5/10 with 22 votes
You don't even need to have the game installed:
1. Open the CD with windows explorer and go to the folder SCN/Maps.
2. There are two movies of interest here, "cyanegg" and "huevo". In case you are not aware, "huevo" is spanish for "egg".
3. Cyan... more
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Doug Was Here - 3.0/10 with 8 votes
Enter the clock tower on Myst island, as you would in normal game play. Look up. The name "Doug" is written on the ceiling-- evidently the calling card of technical artist Doug McBride.

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