Princess Leia and R2D2 -
7.9/10 with 9 votes
At 1:06:09, just as Indy and Sallah get ready to hoist the stone cover off the sarcophagus of the Ark, one can see hieroglyphics of Princess Leia inserting the plans for the death star into R2D2, on a pillar just behind Indy's right shoulder.
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C-3po and r2-d2 in Raiders of the Lost Ark -
7.5/10 with 2 votes
Find the scene where the stone covering the ark is lifted and and as indy lifts it look to the pillar behind him. eventually you'll notic R2 and C-3PO from STAR WARS on the pillar!!!!
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Star Wars Allusion -
6.5/10 with 11 votes
In the scene near the beginning where Indy steals the golden statue, is chased down the hill, and swings on a vine out to the plane, note the plane's serial number is OB-CPO, joining two of the Star Wars characters.
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