Frank Abagnale Is a French Cop -
7.1/10 with 131 votes
When Detective Hanratty(Hanks) takes Frank (DiCaprio)out of the printing shop in France, the main French cop who puts DiCaprio in the car is the real life Frank Abagnale. He has greyish hair.
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Steven and Tom -
5.0/10 with 1 votes
At the end of the movie When Frank comes back to the FBI when Carl is checking the forged check, there is a chalkboard behind him, and if you look at the bottom corner of the chalkboard it reads "Steven and Tom's 4th project," meaning Steven Spielberg's...
Tribute to James Bond's Maker -
3.8/10 with 5 votes
In Catch Me If You Can,Frank Jr. finds out (towards the beginning) that when he is interviewing a pilot (the second time) that he has been dubbed the James Bond of the Sky. Later, he sees a JB movie and decides he wants the suit. When he is trying on...