1. Must be in "tour of duty"
2. Hold down option and select "Tour of Duty" from the Mission menu.
3. Type in the mission number (ALWAYS two digets).
4. Type in the plane type- ALWAYS 4 characters (as far as I know)
5. Plane types: FA18(F/18);...
To see this egg, choose a mission that has you in the persian gulf. I recommend using the cheat that lets you use any plane to get a plane with lots of fuel. Look at the map screen and aim for the lakes in western Iraq. There should be a row of 3 lakes....
1. Use Option-tour of duty to select plane and mission
2. Select a DC10 or other large plane
3. Slowly increase altitude without using full afterburners
4. When you reach 50,000 ft. turn on full after burners and pull up
5. May take a few tries...