Black and White Easter Eggs

Some Titanic References - 8.0/10 with 1 votes
At the start, when you come to see 3 singing men, kill one of them and they will say "oh my god, you killed Kenneth!" then they will ask for someone to help them. give them a child or a girl and then they will do something which references the Titanic!
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Familiar Faces - 7.3/10 with 3 votes
After completing the entire game (winning island five from Nemesis and defeating his creature) a little finale plays and the game credits role. If one allows the credits to simply role through eventually afterwards a crowd of game characters will gather... more

Telephone Box(es) - 7.2/10 with 159 votes
On the first world once you have the leashes, get one and trace this
pattern (approximately).

1. move the mouse down.

2. move the mouse to the right a little.

3. move the mouse up.

4. move the mouse to the right a little.

5. move the... more
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Smiley Feet - 6.3/10 with 126 votes
This is quite easy to do. Change your computer date to April 1st (Double click the time in the lower right corner to do so) Now go in the game (Assuming you have a creature) and look at the ground when he walks around! Try other special days to see other... more
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South-Park Parody - 5.9/10 with 142 votes
1) Find the "Boat-Quest" behind the huge wood-gates. (the one with the irritating song)

2) Take one (can't remember which of them) of the singers, and kill him! (whatever way you like)

3) One of his friends will yell:
"Oh my God! You killed Kenneth!"

Just... more
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