Afterlife Easter Eggs

More Pennies, but for a Price - 6.9/10 with 32 votes
1. Anytime during the game type in "$@!" without the quotes
2. It will give you 10 million extra pennies to build with
3. You may continue to do this but after the fifth time the Death Star will come and wreak havok on your heaven or hell.

Get a Surprise Building from the Game Designers! - 6.5/10 with 23 votes
1. Go to hell.
2. Switch the view to north (up).
3. Build a circular road that surrounds an empty 7x7 area.
4. Go into Divine Intervention speed.
5. Starting with the north-most corner, and working your way down to the right, lay out one each... more
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Easter Bunnies Destroy Heaven and Hell - 6.0/10 with 27 votes
1. Lode a saved game
2. Type SAMNMAX all in caps 3 times
3. Don't worry about game menus opening up
4. Watch the Bunnies destroy everything
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