Fireworks MX Developer's Faces -
7.2/10 with 96 votes
Go to Help > About...When the Splash screen comes up, hold down control and click on the Fireworks/Macromedia logos in the center of the screen. This will launch a flash presentation of all of the developers pictures.
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Fireworks 4 Programmers Faces -
7.0/10 with 79 votes
To see the programmers faces ABOUT->hold ctrl and left click on the black&blue M logo...funny faces...
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Fireworks 8 - Animal Egg -
6.9/10 with 13 votes
Go to the about Fireworks in the help menu.
When the credits are loaded, press ctrl and click in the midle of the number 8, then you'll see the faces of the developers onto animals bodies.
Fireworks 8: Developers -
5.5/10 with 10 votes
This is similar to what is available on MX 7 but instead of just the developers faces, the faces are superimposed onto animals.
All you have to do is CTRL & Click on the "8" in the logo.
Developers' Photographs -
3.9/10 with 98 votes
1. Choose About from the Help menu to display the splash screen.
2. Hold down Ctrl+Shift+Alt and click anywhere on the splash screen.
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