Blow Easter Eggs

Charlie Chaplin and Inflatable Doll - 8.0/10 with 1 votes
During the sequence in which there's a slideshow of pictures, with as soundtrack "Blinded by the light" (0.59.40 to 1.00.00) in picture 92 (they're 103 in total) there's Charlie Chaplin givin' money to Johnny Depp. In the picture below (93)there's Jordi... more

The "Real" Kristina Jung Is in the Movie - 7.2/10 with 294 votes
George Jung's real daughter, Kristina, is in the movie. I scanned the credits at the end of the movie and saw her name. It said she was a clerk at the bank. When I went back, I saw her. She is the only female behind the desk of the bank. She is a... more
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The Director Appears in the Film - 5.0/10 with 38 votes
In the scene near the end of the movie, where George gets busted for the last time. In the prison, when the lawyer comes in to give him the tape recorder. The lawyer is none other then Ted Demme, the director of the movie.
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