Mona Lisa, The (Leonardo da Vinci) Easter Eggs

Parabola - 5.6/10 with 471 votes
My humanities professor said that every line in the Mona Lisa is based on a parabola (remember the curve y=x^2 from high school geometry). If you look closely, there is not a single line in the painting that cannot be shown to be a parabola.
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pic The Most World Renowned Portrait! - 4.6/10 with 933 votes
When you compare a photo of Leonardo da Vinci to his famouse painting The Mona Lisa, you will see that Miss Mona Lisa looks strikingly similar to Mr. Da Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci was first discovered as an artist for painting self-portraits, what does... more
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pic Easter Egg, or Slip-Up? - 3.6/10 with 32 votes
Look carefully at the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. If you look closely enough at the background behind the Mona Lisa, then you will notice that the landscape behind her simply isn’t even. On her left hand side, there are tall spiky mountains... more
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Mona Lisa the Stripper - 3.6/10 with 862 votes
When Da Vinci painted this painting, it is said that he painter her naked, and then painted over another coat with clothes on. How interesting!!
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