Raising Arizona Easter Eggs

pic Nod to Kubric - 7.1/10 with 44 votes
In the scene where the biker, played by Randall Cobb, bursts into a gas station restroom on his Hog, the camera focuses briefly on the inside of the door just before the biker knocks it down. There is some graffiti on the door - the letters OPE and POE.
This... more
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Hudsucker Industries - 5.9/10 with 38 votes
In the film's pre-credit sequence, H.I. McDunnough (Nicolas Cage) gets a job at an industrial plant. In voice-over, we hear H.I. say "... and a paycheck at the end of every week." as he looks down to his paycheck. His employer (named on the paycheck)... more
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pic Coen on the Phone - 2.3/10 with 16 votes
When Nathan Arizona is being talked to by the reporters, one of the the microphones has one of the makers names on it. I can't remember exactly what the name was because I have lost my copy of this cool movie but I think it's "Coen" or "Ethan". Maybe... more
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