Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom Easter Eggs

pic Club Obiwan - 7.0/10 with 227 votes
In the beginning of the movie after Indie drops into Short Round's car, you can see the name of the Nightclub is "Club ObiWan." The reference is that Obi-Wan Kenobi is a character in Star Wars, another film authored by George Lucas.
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The Ark - 6.9/10 with 154 votes
In the scene where Indy lifts up the top of the sarcophagus. If you look at the back wall. In the hieroglyphics.You will see R2D2 and CP30. You might not see it unless you are watching the movie on the big screen. That's where I saw it. My sister saw... more
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Who're Those Guys? - 6.6/10 with 83 votes
In the airport scene, at the begining of the movie, Steven Spielberg is can be seen as a tourist in the background.
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Look on the Wing - 4.9/10 with 51 votes
In the scene where Indy is fighting the big bald guy. While the plane is spinning around. If you look at the wing number of the plane. You will see that the number is THX-1138. Also the pilot was a of the producers of the movie.
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