Gremlins Easter Eggs

pic Let's Do the Time Warp Again - 7.1/10 with 107 votes
This happens a little bit before the eggs hatch when the dad calls from the convention and the mom's making christmas treats. While watching the dad, notice there's a large machine in the background with several gadgets moving on it. The scene cuts back... more
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Driving Mr. Spielberg - 7.0/10 with 41 votes
In the scene when the dad goes to that convention, watch very closely when he's on the phone with his wife. A man drives by in a little golf-type cart. That man is Steven Spielberg.

More Cameo Fodder - 6.9/10 with 28 votes
I mentioned that Steven Spielberg had a cameo. Well, three other famous people also make cameo's. Bugs Bunny animator, Chuck Jones, is in the scene where Zach Galligan is in the bar drawing. Chuck is sitting next to him commenting on his drawing, before... more
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Cinematic Nod - 5.6/10 with 29 votes
In the town, near the start, look for the cinema. The name of the film on show is "A Boy's Life : Watch the Skies" - this is a reference to ET, which was either in filming at the time, or recently released; anyway, I read that that was the working title... more
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Mouseketeer - 5.3/10 with 3 votes
In the movie theatre scene where the gremlins are watching Snow White, just after Billy says they're enjoying the movie, when we are back inside you can see that the gremlin in the foreground on the right is wearing a pair of Mickey Mouse ears.

Radio Billboard - 4.7/10 with 19 votes
We all know Spielberg and Lucas give nods to each other within their movie, a mutual respect. In the opening sequence of Gremlins watch as the camera pans past the billboards. One of the billboards is for a radio show. The name of the show is written... more

Gremlin Models - 3.3/10 with 63 votes
I haven't seen the movie in a while so I can't tell you when this happened exactly, but I think it is when the gremlins are leaving the YMCA and there is a long shot of them walking down the street with stripe leading them. Well I just wanted to say that... more
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