Girls Names -
4.5/10 with 43 votes
There are 2 references to Kiss songs through names. There is a girl in the movie who has a crush on Jerimiah named Beth. Beth is a reference to the song "Beth" on Kiss' Destoyer album. The Disco hichhiker's name the boys pick up is Christine, in reference...
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Paul's Wife -
4.3/10 with 23 votes
In the scene where Jeremiah's mother is doing a speech against KISS, right after he goes out of the church, you can see a blonde woman right in the front row: it's actress Pamela Bowen, Paul Stanley's wife.
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Kiss Wife -
3.4/10 with 81 votes
Shannon Tweed, the woman who buys Edward Furlong's character a drink at the It's Raining Men bar is actually Gene Simmons wife in real life.
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