Airplane! Easter Eggs

Adolf Who? - 7.2/10 with 10 votes
When Airplane 2 ends, all of the credits roll, (seemingly legitimate,) until you get about 1/2 way down on the technical crew's names. One of the crew is listed as Adolf Hitler. The Zuckers are Jewish, and this may have been a snub to the Nazi leader.
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Where Disco Lives Forever! - 4.9/10 with 284 votes
In Airplane!, when Stryker is attempting to land the plane in Chicago, there is a brief scene of a radio station, where we hear the DJ say "WZAZ. Where Disco Lives Forever" right before the plane's wing takes out the antenna on the station and shuts... more
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Make-Up Mother - 4.8/10 with 115 votes
Throughout the movie, the lady in the bathroom who attempts to put on make-up during heavy turbulence is the mother of two of the directors of the film, the Zucker brothers.
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Director in Movie - 1.8/10 with 4 votes
In the beging of the movie on the tarmac when two men are holding the orange lights,and the plane crashes through the glass,one of the men is the director.
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